Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tour of Missouri, EXTRA EXTRA

alright, this just in. by which i mean JUST IN!

be prepared to recognize, what you are looking at will rock your world. this is all the rage in the peloton, and i am, at this moment, phoning the Board of Directors for Blue Sky Velo to suggest that we devote all available cash and resources into developing a team vehicle similiar in concept to what is shown below. you heard it here first. please post your comments here on the blog, where they will be tallied by the Board. After all, the Board will have the final say as to whether this is a good spend of pooled resourses. or should i say, HOW good of a spend this is.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh yeah! I can just see it now - an alert prairie dog with legs, arms and tail sticking out of a dusty brown 1982 Datsun....